Zoning Board of Adjustment

Over the last 60 years our town has grown from less than 300 to more than 1300 residents. As a result, it was recognized that good planning was needed to channel growth in an orderly, sage and logical manner. Part of this process involved the creation of a zoning ordinance.

Because a zoning ordinance cannot anticipate every land use question, an appeals mechanism was also created - the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA). The ZBA is an independent, quasi-judicial body, empowered by state status and our zoning ordinance. The ZBA hears applications requesting relief from the Ordinance (variances and equitable waivers). The ZBA may also approve certain uses of land (special exceptions) and hear appeals of administrative decisions made by the Selectmen.

The Board has 5 member who serve 3-year terms voted for by Town residents and 2 alternates appointed by the Board members.


  • Special Exception: $100
  • Variance: $100
    • Abutter Notice (each including applicant): $10



Board Members

Name Title
Tamara Butcher Recording Secretary
Tanner Jacques Chairman
Robert Thorp member
Amy Lewis Select Board Rep
Steve Dzubak Vice Chair
Luke Gorman Member
Gene Hayes